Prof's Time Bomb Tour will go down as one of the craziest shows we here at Grey Fox Live have had the chance to cover. Lets us begin by saying: Prof's lyrical genius and passion that he puts into everything that he does, may it be his music, videos, art, or even the way that he interacts with his fans, sets him apart from all other rappers. Prof maybe be the best thing that has ever come out of Minnesota.
The Grey Fox Live crew received a chance to travel out to San Francisco this last Friday, to cover Prof's Time Bomb Tour. We all piled into a janky 13 passenger van, with no seats, and drove from Sacramento out to a small venue in the heart of San Fran. Upon arriving to the venue, our energy was high. DJ Willie Wonka was pumping up the crowd with his killer mixes of today's top hits.
Soon a man by the name of Finding Novyon took the stage. He had a calm demeanor about him, carrying a small dog backpack on his shoulder and a killer Nintendo 64 sweater. We had no idea what we were about to see. His calm demeanor was short lived as the first beat of his song dropped. Novyon demolished the stage, playing some of the heaviest beats to come out of Minneapolis. With his fellow Minnesotan rapper, Metasota, as his dj. The two set the stage for what would be one of the best shows we have ever been to.
As Finding Novyon left the stage, the crowds energy elevated. Metasota took the stage. This time Finding Novyon was his dj. Metasota came in hard and fast, molding the crowd into a explosive energy. The crowd went wild as Metasota dropped banger after banger. With songs like "All Luv" and "Forced Fed" Meta showed us why he deserved to be on this incredible tour!
Finally the time had come. Prof and DJ Willie Wonka stormed the stage, completely demolishing everything in their paths. Profs explosive energy radiated through the crowd, not a single person was left not moving and bouncing to his lyrics. The crowd knew every lyric to the songs, from "Apeshit" to "Myself" the crowd was there for to shout back each word. As the energy raised, So did Prof's performance. Prof came to party and it was seen real quick. With each song came more and more excitement.
It is hard to put into words just how incredible Prof is live. His raw emotion defiantly shows through his music. He has a genuine passion for his fans and art. If you ever have the chance to go to a Prof you, drop what your doing, bring a extra change on pant (you might need them) and a whole lot of energy.